IGR at the Retreat House Pleshey
Individually Guided Retreat ... an opportunity to grow in your relationship with God.
Individually Guided Retreat ... an opportunity to grow in your relationship with God.
Hebrews 4:16 So let us come boldly to the very throne of God and stay there to receive his mercy and to find grace to help us in our times of need. (TLB) Taking the above as our text for the retreat, we invite you to come, stay, receive and find over these few days. £395 to include individual accompaniment each full day, in […]
Singles and Couples Debrief Leaders: Wania Honman and Sandie Reeves An opportunity for mission partners to process their transitions to the UK. Come and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the retreat centre as part of your home assignment or re-entry to the UK. There will be a mix of group work and individual debrief sessions. Residential price: £395.00 […]
£395 to include individual accompaniment each full day in addition to full board.
Prayer Shawl Workshop Leader: Vicki Cottingham Come together to either crochet or knit a prayer shawl, which will be created prayerfully, spending time praying for those who will receive them. Whilst the prayer shawl is our gift to someone else, we will also experience blessing as we take time out to create, pray and spend the […]
Mystery revealed: An introduction to iconography Led by Cari Bridgen This day offers an opportunity to explore iconography and reflect on how images affect and enable us to connect with our faith. We will discover how the Eastern Orthodox Church understands iconostasis and ponder how others have used icons in their prayer life. We will […]
Journalling – an act of listening to the soul course “A Spiritual Journal a tool for self-discovery, an aid to concentration, a mirror for the soul, a place to generate and capture ideas, a safety valve for the emotions, a training ground for the writer, and a good friend and confidant.” (Klug, 2002: p7). It […]
Heartfulness Meditation Every Wednesday 07:15pm to 08:00pm We’re delighted to host a weekly Heartfulness Meditation session in our beautiful Library. These sessions are always free of charge and you can also continue at home with support. Available now in 160 countries worldwide supported by volunteers. Heartfulness meditation is based on ancient Raj Yoga but simplified for […]
Stage 1: Thursday 27th February to Monday 10th March 2025 Stage 2: Monday 17th November to Saturday 29th November 2025 Stage 3: Friday 20th February to Tuesday 3rd March 2026 Application required. Please do not purchase prior to application to avoid disappointment. It is hoped participants will agree to participate in all three stages. However, it […]
Grandparenting in the Faith A Quiet Day reflecting on the joys and challenges of this special period of life. Led by Nick and Mandy Lewis-Barned Cost: £30.00 including lunch and Refreshments
One Day Silent Retreats -These retreats will introduce ways of stilling yourself and give the opportunity to experience the richness and depth of spending time with God in the quietness of silent prayer. Cost £65 To Book email info@bieldatblackruthven.org.uk
Weekend for the Community Companions With special guest, Elizabeth Baxter.
Who am I in God? Leader: Brigid Main In the beauty of Penhurst take time out to explore the themes of roots, place and creation in our spiritual exploration of `who am I in God`? The great Irish teacher John Scotus Eriugena taught that God speaks to us through two books. One is the little book, […]
28th Feb – 2nd Mar: Struggle and Contemplation with The Revd Dr Evie Vernon and Helen Stanton Holland House Bursary Scheme: We can give up to 25% off at your request if our retreats are too expensive for you. Please contact reservations@hollandhouse.org to book. If you need a more generous bursary, please email the Warden, […]
In the Shadow of Doom? Fri 28 Feb — Mon 3 Mar 2025 Explore a seriously important book (Life After Doom) and its ideas