Richard Rohr Retreat at Holy Rood House
The Divine Dance, inspired by Richard Rohr Led by Urs Mattmann and Ian Spencer View Leaflet
The Divine Dance, inspired by Richard Rohr Led by Urs Mattmann and Ian Spencer View Leaflet
Our IGRs are Ignatian-style retreats. There are no addresses as in preached or themed retreats. Rather, each person with the help of an experienced guide follows their own path as it seems God is leading them. The emphasis is on integrating body, mind and heart in faith. The pattern of the week is: Sunday: arrive […]
Epiphany Online Meditation Date: Tuesdays 6-6.45pm 21 , 28 January and 4 , 11 February Leader: Cameron Butland Venue: Online via Zoom Cost: No charge but all participants need to book in beforehand Contact: Or Epiphany Online Meditation ‘God made known’. “Perhaps most of us spend so much of our time thinking about […]
Inhabiting the Bible through story: The use of Imagination for Interpreting the Bible During this retreat, we will explore what using imagination contributes to our reading of Scripture and what is lost when we don’t use it in our reading. There will be input reflecting on imagination and what it brings to our understanding of […]
Our first quiet day of 2025 will be Wednesday 29th January, with our Chaplain Revd Lawrence Basham. The cost is £10 which includes refreshments and lunch. Bookings are now being taken, email or call 015394 32050.
Heartfulness Meditation Every Wednesday 07:15pm to 08:00pm We’re delighted to host a weekly Heartfulness Meditation session in our beautiful Library. These sessions are always free of charge and you can also continue at home with support. Available now in 160 countries worldwide supported by volunteers. Heartfulness meditation is based on ancient Raj Yoga but simplified for […]
Further on with the Enneagram A workshop for anyone familiar with the Enneagram and their own type
The Incarnation - A Study Day A study day to explore the doctrine of the incarnation - what does it mean? Led by: Bishop Graham Cray Cost £30.00 including lunch and refreshments
Young Adults’ Weekend - led by Anna and Andy Walker Gathering at Whalley Abbey in the wake of the Taizé European meeting, for anyone interested in ecumenism, the challenge of solidarity within the human family and sharing our stories.
Meditation in the Christian tradition is an ancient and simple way of prayer. Our purpose is to teach meditation as a simple path to peace, community and oneness. Our vision is to help people establish peace in themselves and become places of peace in the world. Each session includes a short talk, a period of […]
Walking Through Winter with Katherine Gantlett St Katharine's Retreat House, Parmoor. RG9 6NN £45 Just as winter comes each year, we will all encounter spiritual winters of loss. These seasons come with so many questions. Who is God? How is God at work in this season? Who am I? What’s the meaning and purpose of […]
Speaking the Dream: Dr Martin Luther King’s Beloved Community 1st February 2025, 10:15 - 16:00 "Speaking the Dream: Dr Martin Luther King’s Beloved Community" This is a joint day with The Royal Foundation of St Katharine and St Paul’s Cathedral. Led by Shana Maloney and featuring the Royal Foundation of St Katharine choir in residence […]
Living Prayer into Life – God is All in All Led by Jill Benet An invitation to join a small community and immerse yourself fully into the practice of Centering Prayer and its background as taught by Contemplative Outreach. There will be up to 3 hours of Centering Prayer each day, and the time outside […]
Cost £20 Explore a beautiful Psalm and through a deep attentiveness to the words of Scripture, go further into the text… Then be inspired by the Holy Spirit, to pray through creative writing, and create your own Psalm. In the spirit of the Psalmists, become your imaginative, inspired, praying selves… Cost £20
Winter Individual Guided Retreat An opportunity to spend a few days in silent guided retreat with a team of trained spiritual directors. Led by: Rev'd Lynn Grove and a team of Spiritual Directors Cost: £394.00 including all accommodation and food
Space to Rest Leader: Ruth Traynar A week set aside for rest and spending time with God. Book in for the whole week or just a couple of nights. Ruth will host a short prompt morning and evening with time to chat around the fire after supper. An ideal time for anyone wanting to be with […]
We have five acres of beautiful land and grounds to cultivate and a Cadbury heritage home to care for so that people who really need it can come for space to rest, reflect and grow. Join our small growing group of volunteers as we dream, garden, prune, clear, paint, cook, administrate, fix and have a […]
Description Theme: Neurographic Doodle Prayer Create Art Ministry, gives a time and space in the week to be still from the busyness of everyday life. At Create we use Christian Mindfulness, Relaxation and Art Therapy to do just that, using art materials to creatively connect us to God, his peace, love and to build faith! […]
These times are a lovely opportunity to spend time with friends old and new and enjoy chat over a tea, coffee and a delicious slice of homemade cake. Drop in anytime between 11 & 12am and stay for a short time of Midday prayer in our beautiful chapel. If you are able to let us […]
Epiphany Online Meditation Date: Tuesdays 6-6.45pm 21 , 28 January and 4 , 11 February Leader: Cameron Butland Venue: Online via Zoom Cost: No charge but all participants need to book in beforehand Contact: Or Epiphany Online Meditation ‘God made known’. “Perhaps most of us spend so much of our time thinking about […]
One Day Silent Retreats -These retreats will introduce ways of stilling yourself and give the opportunity to experience the richness and depth of spending time with God in the quietness of silent prayer. Cost £65 To Book email
Heartfulness Meditation Every Wednesday 07:15pm to 08:00pm We’re delighted to host a weekly Heartfulness Meditation session in our beautiful Library. These sessions are always free of charge and you can also continue at home with support. Available now in 160 countries worldwide supported by volunteers. Heartfulness meditation is based on ancient Raj Yoga but simplified for […]
NHS Wellness Days - Days set aside specifically for NHS staff to spend a day at the Bield, slow down, relax and unwind. You will be able to opt in or out from various activities as seems right for you. Cost £65 To Book email
Living with Loss Abi May and the team invite those who have experienced bereavement to gain the tools to help cope with the life-changing loss of a loved one.
Be still and know that I am God: Contemplative Prayer for Beginners. All Christian Prayer is a journey to God, a journey in love that takes us to God. Would you like to join us in learning some of the ways that we can do this? Fr Charlie Annis and Fr Nicolas Stebbing will lead […]
Meditation in the Christian tradition is an ancient and simple way of prayer. Our purpose is to teach meditation as a simple path to peace, community and oneness. Our vision is to help people establish peace in themselves and become places of peace in the world. Each session includes a short talk, a period of […]
an opportunity to plant snowdrops in memory of a loved one or simply to add to the biodiversity of the grounds at Tinhay Retreats. From 10am until 3.30pm.
Jane Williams: 'The Joy of Lent: discovering who we are' 8th February 2025, 10:15 - 16:00 We are delighted to welcome Jane to lead what we know will be a very popular Quiet Day. Do book early so as to join this special we journey through Lent. Jane is the McDonald Professor in Christian Theology at […]
Praying with Poetry Take some time out to explore the world of poetry and prayer. We will be both reading poetry prayerfully, and praying through our own writing, covering some basics of structure and metaphor as we go. We will see where poetry and prayer meet in scripture, and dive into the work of some […]
Grace Space Leader: Jack and Sandra Telfer Step aside to be with the God of all grace, to meet with him where we really are and receive the deep refreshment only he can give. The retreat will include guided sessions, space for individual reflection and prayer and the opportunity for one to one prayer. Residential price: £395.00 […]
We are delighted to invite you to our Urban Oasis for our Open Reflective Days in 2024. These are our most popular retreats allowing you to have a personal quiet day to reflect and recharge away from the distractions of everyday life. You may use this day as time to pray, do some life admin or maybe to finish that project […]
9:45 am – 3:30 pm These are led by Rev Evelyn Bone and she leads us through a gentle day of devotion, quiet time and worship. There is the opportunity to meet one to one and engage in a few prayerful activities. The cost is £26 which includes lunch and refreshments. The day runs from 9.45am to […]
Come and breathe deep for a day! Drawing, writing, walking, praying, painting, reading, alpaca whispering, knitting, crafting, running, meditating, crafting, chilling... whatever you like to do, bring it! We frame our time with a simple scriptural reflection, and invite you to use the house and the grounds as you like. Bring your own lunch, all […]
Winter Renewal Day An opportunity to come together for worship, teaching and prayer. Led by: Rev'd Richard Carew, Vicar of St Edwards Church, York Cost: No charge - donations for lunch are welcome but not required
Our Individual Quiet Days are an opportunity to spend time in quiet in prayer, in our chapel, library and lounge. Coffee, tea and cake will be provided as well as a light two course lunch. There will be a gentle rhythm of prayers held in the chapel as well as the opportunity to have time […]
COMING HOME TO JESUS | A prayerful space to spend time with Jesus and know him more deeply.
Food for the Journey A Quiet Day thinking about how we are spiritually fed.
Quiet Day: Strandlines – finding God on life’s boundaries led by Christine Dodd Join us for a Quiet Day led by Christine Dodd and spend the day enjoying the peace and tranquillity of Holland House. The day will begin at 10am and concludes with tea and cake at 4pm. A two course lunch will be […]
Heartfulness Meditation Every Wednesday 07:15pm to 08:00pm We’re delighted to host a weekly Heartfulness Meditation session in our beautiful Library. These sessions are always free of charge and you can also continue at home with support. Available now in 160 countries worldwide supported by volunteers. Heartfulness meditation is based on ancient Raj Yoga but simplified for […]
Personal Residential Retreat including time with a Spiritual Director 13th February 2025 - 14th February 2025 Personal Residential Retreat including time with a Spiritual Director The Royal Foundation is offering an opportunity to come for a personal one night residential retreat with an opportunity to meet 1:1 with a listener. We all come from situations […]
Private Retreat Day No progarmme, just spend a day with God at Wydale Cost: £21.00 including lunch and refreshments
Listening to the Psalms course Whether it’s a hymn, a choral anthem, or a gospel song, every piece of church music is essentially a musical “sermon”: an interpretation of a sacred text that attempts to reveal its meaning and its spiritual power. Yet, though we enjoy sacred music as worshippers or listeners, we rarely get […]
‘In the world but not of the world?’ A quiet day for those engaged in or wanting to explore workplace ministry.
Meditation in the Christian tradition is an ancient and simple way of prayer. Our purpose is to teach meditation as a simple path to peace, community and oneness. Our vision is to help people establish peace in themselves and become places of peace in the world. Each session includes a short talk, a period of […]
The Wilderness – Encounter with God A pre-Lent Quiet Day using scripture and images With The Ven Caroline Baston As a former Warden of the Community of St Mary the Virgin, the Community are pleased to welcome Caroline as she leads this Quiet Day at St Mary’s Convent. A Quiet Day to reflect on […]
A Deeper Detox, Spiritual Spa Day Thursday 23rd January OR Saturday 15th February
Step away from the noise and haste of your everyday life and into the quiet beauty of the Franciscan Centre Ladywell in the heart of Surrey.Each day you will be accompanied by a trained spiritual director.
Valley Paths Leader: Gill Hancock We all go through difficult experiences in life (the death of a loved one, doubts, fears, depression, trauma, ongoing physical pain, past mistakes holding us back to name but a few). The temptation can be to `grit our teeth` to try and get through, pick ourselves up and carry on without […]
Finding spiritual sustenance within ministry With Christopher CHapman Send my Roots Rain
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat Led by the House of Prayer Team A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany […]
Join us for an enjoyable stay looking at the relationship between Franciscanism and food, both from a theological aspect and a practical application. The Hilfield Community prides itself on using available foodstuffs in our day-to-day lives but our staple has to be bread and jam as any of our teatime guest will tell you!
Quiet Week: Rediscovering Joy Tue 18 Feb — Sun 23 Feb 2025 A creative, soulful week with Nicky Temple
Capacitar Taster Sessions - simple holistic wellness practices which enable people to reconnect with their own wisdom and capacity, promoting healing, wholeness and peace. Cost £25 To Book email
Heartfulness Meditation Every Wednesday 07:15pm to 08:00pm We’re delighted to host a weekly Heartfulness Meditation session in our beautiful Library. These sessions are always free of charge and you can also continue at home with support. Available now in 160 countries worldwide supported by volunteers. Heartfulness meditation is based on ancient Raj Yoga but simplified for […]
9am – 3pm Becoming quiet to search our hearts. What is your personal credo and what questions will you be asking of yourself? Reflection Series A series of days to explore the journey within – all welcome, those of any faith or none. Join us for one, some or all. The days will start with […]
The Franciscan Notes with Rev Olive Stevens and Margaret Miles This session led by Olive and Margaret of the Third Order Franciscans, will delve into the humility, love, and joy that defined St. Francis, inviting participants to reflect on how these virtues connect to their own spiritual
Meditation in the Christian tradition is an ancient and simple way of prayer. Our purpose is to teach meditation as a simple path to peace, community and oneness. Our vision is to help people establish peace in themselves and become places of peace in the world. Each session includes a short talk, a period of […]
Saturday 22nd February 2025 9.00am - 4.00pm Fees: £70 per person Lead by Daria Dlugloecka - Certified Yoga Teacher and Mindfulness Trainer Reconnect with nature and yourself Find peace within during the daily life.
Becoming Places of Peace: one-day Christian meditation retreat
Individually Guided Retreat ... an opportunity to grow in your relationship with God.
Singles and Couples Debrief Leaders: Wania Honman and Sandie Reeves An opportunity for mission partners to process their transitions to the UK. Come and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the retreat centre as part of your home assignment or re-entry to the UK. There will be a mix of group work and individual debrief sessions. Residential price: £395.00 […]
Hebrews 4:16 So let us come boldly to the very throne of God and stay there to receive his mercy and to find grace to help us in our times of need. (TLB) Taking the above as our text for the retreat, we invite you to come, stay, receive and find over these few days. £395 to include individual accompaniment each full day, in […]
£395 to include individual accompaniment each full day in addition to full board.
Prayer Shawl Workshop Leader: Vicki Cottingham Come together to either crochet or knit a prayer shawl, which will be created prayerfully, spending time praying for those who will receive them. Whilst the prayer shawl is our gift to someone else, we will also experience blessing as we take time out to create, pray and spend the […]
Mystery revealed: An introduction to iconography Led by Cari Bridgen This day offers an opportunity to explore iconography and reflect on how images affect and enable us to connect with our faith. We will discover how the Eastern Orthodox Church understands iconostasis and ponder how others have used icons in their prayer life. We will […]
Journalling – an act of listening to the soul course “A Spiritual Journal a tool for self-discovery, an aid to concentration, a mirror for the soul, a place to generate and capture ideas, a safety valve for the emotions, a training ground for the writer, and a good friend and confidant.” (Klug, 2002: p7). It […]
Heartfulness Meditation Every Wednesday 07:15pm to 08:00pm We’re delighted to host a weekly Heartfulness Meditation session in our beautiful Library. These sessions are always free of charge and you can also continue at home with support. Available now in 160 countries worldwide supported by volunteers. Heartfulness meditation is based on ancient Raj Yoga but simplified for […]
Stage 1: Thursday 27th February to Monday 10th March 2025 Stage 2: Monday 17th November to Saturday 29th November 2025 Stage 3: Friday 20th February to Tuesday 3rd March 2026 Application required. Please do not purchase prior to application to avoid disappointment. It is hoped participants will agree to participate in all three stages. However, it […]
Grandparenting in the Faith A Quiet Day reflecting on the joys and challenges of this special period of life. Led by Nick and Mandy Lewis-Barned Cost: £30.00 including lunch and Refreshments
One Day Silent Retreats -These retreats will introduce ways of stilling yourself and give the opportunity to experience the richness and depth of spending time with God in the quietness of silent prayer. Cost £65 To Book email
Who am I in God? Leader: Brigid Main In the beauty of Penhurst take time out to explore the themes of roots, place and creation in our spiritual exploration of `who am I in God`? The great Irish teacher John Scotus Eriugena taught that God speaks to us through two books. One is the little book, […]
Weekend for the Community Companions With special guest, Elizabeth Baxter.
28th Feb – 2nd Mar: Struggle and Contemplation with The Revd Dr Evie Vernon and Helen Stanton Holland House Bursary Scheme: We can give up to 25% off at your request if our retreats are too expensive for you. Please contact to book. If you need a more generous bursary, please email the Warden, […]
In the Shadow of Doom? Fri 28 Feb — Mon 3 Mar 2025 Explore a seriously important book (Life After Doom) and its ideas